Real or Not Real

Hugeass rant Ahead.

The word 'Fake' is often misused. How fake or real a person is cannot be determined as we all have differing ideas of how a normal Real human should behave.

Human emotions are evil, they are good, they are loving and hateful. When a person loses that balance of good and evil, they become "Fake". No contest.

"Oh she's a goody two shoes, but that's just a face she shows to people she doesn't know well. She's black hearted inside."

If someone who is genuinely nice with all the best intentions gets misunderstood and treated as a real Evil; it just isn't right. The people of the world do not have their heads screwed on right. Maybe not all, for i choose to see the best or the good or whatever that's left in them that's good in them(no matter how miniscule that amount.)

Good thoughts are meant to be shared to share good feelings. When good thoughts are twisted and misunderstood as a bad thought when put into words, the situation turns for the worse. What started out as a compliment turns into a diss through the eyes of everyone. Someone who is a nice person is perceived as a jerk, a dingwad, a mean person who makes assholic remarks all the time. 50 compliments would never make up for it. For the one mistake you didn't do, the mistake on their part which translated to yours.

I choose not to question humanity, to question an intentions of a person. I take words absolutely literally. If its a compliment i'll take it, an insult i take it but not too hard and get them to explain the reason, so i can improve. If the diss or comment was unnecessary and something i cant change, then i shall leave it in the air for the instigator to solve.


The are individuals who have prefences and so do you. When they dont align, there is difference. And many things consequate from Difference. What happens next? You could Accept, Compromise, Apologise, Change it, Leave it hanging in the air, Start up a fight, headbutt till the end, or respect each others opinions. What do you get in the end - platonic reconcilation or a new enemy depends on how you both act.

Well what if they retaliate with even more mean remarks? My advice for you then is to quietly exit the scene. Do not interact with people who bring you distress or emotional scars. Negativity brings you nowhere. Talking negatively about others behind their back is dirty. it is behaviour that your parents will frown upon. It can dissolve in an instant or forever that person will be labelled badly in your heart And you will never forget it. its such a burden to remember that you hate someone so just don't brood on it and let it go.

Here i hencefore swear never to talk down or dirty about anyone, whether behind anyones back or in their face. My mother thought me to never do upon others what you wouldn't them to do to you. Lady Gaga thought me to spread kindness and positivity because we want to live in peace and love and happiness. Somewhere out there are people who are desperate to receive even a little bit of kindness and there are those who hate kindness and anything about being nice. You know who you should talk to.

Back to Those people who talk dirt, just imagine that they're literally spitting dirt out of their mouths whilst talking. Ain't it funny? Or gross. Or both?

They do not deserve your friendship or your time and patience to try to placate them. They cannot be placated. Its like a baby who just lost a limb but you're trying to feed it milk to get it to stop wailing.

Its useless, they are pitiable for getting hung up over you and your business.

(If you fail to change their incessant nasty behaviour towards you, consider them your personal losers. Cos they practically are obsessed with you.)

Hate and love(fondness). Which do you choose? If you think about your parents and children getting their heart hurt from mean assholes, you would choose love for sure. Unless you are a nasty dingwad that won't budge if your mum was the center or a viral yomama joke or your kid was thrown a racial/homophobic slur or even outcasted. Only then we know that who are the cancer of the Human race.

So don't bully anyone, just don't.

//with this i bury all hatchets and grudges even though i have never really hated anyone for my entire life. Cancers can hold grudges for life and i don't ever want to live my life with negative feelings. for those who i've ever offended, i apologise sincerely. Likewise, if you are reading this, go apologise to anyone you have wronged. Especially your parents. The grown up you will thank you for the peace.//

Stay lovely and be kind.


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